History of the Chapel
The Camp was owned and operated by the regional United Methodist Church for over seventy years. Early in their development of the Camp, they planned for a swimming pool, but then LA County built the “check dams”, one of which completely displaced where the pool would have been.
So instead, a Chapel was built with outdoor benches at the base of a pair of huge Bigcone Spruce trees, looking out over the Canyon stream. Over the years, various services were held, including a few weddings. Later, a memorial cross was dedicated to remember a young camper from Arcadia. And a few years after the 2020 Bobcat Fire, one of the two big Spruce trees fell down on its own.
Spiritual Retreat and Meeting Place
The Conservancy (which owns and operates the Camp), is secular and chartered to serve the public. Therefore the Chapel continues to be available for religious services of all faith traditions.
It’s also a quiet, peaceful place for spiritual reflection, away from the activity of Camp. It also serves well for speeches, presentations, talent shows and musical performances. Simply follow the trails past the upper cabins going upstream.
Related info: Sturtevant Lodge • Camp Activities